Registration in Antrago
Temporarily, for technical reasons, registration for all GSHS courses, workshops and other events is being managed via the Antrago web portal of JGU Personnel Development (in German). These courses, workshops and other events are of course open to all GSHS members, and in some cases to other interested parties also - even if they do not yet have an account with Personnel Development.
In order to register for a GSHS course/workshop/event, please click on the “Further Information/Registration” link in our events calendar. You will be redirected to the relevant event description in Antrago. If you are interested in attending a particular course/workshop/event, please click on “Warenkorb” (Shopping cart).
You will then be asked to log in to Antrago. If you are a JGU employee, you should use your JGU staff account (“Login für Mitarbeitende der JGU”) to register with Antrago directly. Failure to do this will result in a duplication of accounts.
If you are not a JGU employee, you will be considered as an “external” (“Login für Externe”) by Antrago – even if you are in possession of a current student or doctoral student account at the JGU. You will then need to create a new account using the link provided. Please take care to take careful note of your access data.
If you are registering for the first time, as an "external" person, please plan a few days in advance so that your account can be activated in time for registration.
You will subsequently be made aware that signing up as an external for courses, workshops etc., may in some cases entail costs. However, this applies only to Personnel Development courses, workshops or events, and not to those organized by the GSHS – which are free of charge unless otherwise stated in the description.
Guide to Personnel Development’s Antrago portal (in German)
Please contact the GSHS office should you have any further questions.
When you have completed registration for an event, you will receive a confirmation of receipt. If you have not received a confirmation of receipt, the registration process has not been fully completed and has not been booked into the system. In this case, please register again.
If you have technical questions about the registration process, you can contact