The Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management, an alliance between the Goethe University Frankfurt, JGU and TU Darmstadt, offers doctoral programmes in the fields of accounting, marketing, finance and economics as well as a quantitatively-oriented master's programme. Applications are accepted annually.
The Deutsch-französisches Doktorandenkolleg in den Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften Mainz-Dijon (DFDK) „Konfigurationen im Wandel: Austausch, Variation, Identität“ accepts doctoral students with an interest in Franco-German exchange twice a year.
The Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers regularly advertises GNK postgraduate research groups in the humanities and social sciences.
Additionally, there are various DFG funded Research Training Groups in the humanities and social sciences at the JGU, which regularly advertise doctoral positions:
- GRK 2015: Life Sciences, Life Writing: Boundary Experiences of Human Life between Biomedical Explanation and Lived Experience
Coordinating University: JGU - GRK 2304: Byzanz und die euromediterranen Kriegskulturen. Austausch, Abgrenzung und Rezeption (“Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception” (in German))
Coordinating University: JGU - GRK 2279: Configurations of Film
Coordinating University: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Further information on funding your doctorate through a doctoral position (in German)